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Whitey Survival Guide: Flash Mob Edition

Link– Lukewarm Race War: Whitey Survival Guide

So…you’re out on the street or shopping in the mall when, all of a sudden, a scourge of teenage blacks appears; cackling, hooting, jumping, throwing things, gesturing, laughing, screaming. They quickly fill the area where you are and, before you know what’s happening, violence ensues. Maybe a fight breaks out among them or maybe they look to be on the verge of attacking the people they are coming upon. It may seem like you are next.

So…what do you do?

1. Be Aware of Your Surroundings–As stated in other entries on this blog, DON’T GO WHERE YOU KNOW IT ISN’T SAFE. Avoid being in  places you aren’t familiar with, ESPECIALLY after dark. Most towns and cities have areas that are dangerous to wander into. Find out where they are.  Stay out of them. That rule alone will save you from trouble 85% of the time.

But no matter where you are, be vigilant:

Who can you see around you? How are they behaving? How are they speaking? Are they loud and boisterous? Where is their attention? Do they seem to be waiting for you to pass? Many times, trouble can be escaped before it begins. Allow your instincts to guide you; don’t stay where you are nervous or uncomfortable or where a group menaces.

2. Know the Map or Floorplan–Those maps they have all over the place in malls aren’t just to help you find Foot Locker. They also list exits, bathrooms, stairwells, elevators, etc. Know where you are going and be aware of possible escape routes or refuges from trouble along your route. If you are on the street, go out during regular business hours when stores and restaurants are open. Always have your eyes open for where you might be able to go if a sudden mob of “youths” appears.

Find This First, Find Exits and Refuges

Find This First, Find Exits and Refuges

3. If A Group Appears And Trouble Starts, Get Out of the Center–Drop any superfluous belongings you are carrying and move to the edge of the group as quickly as you can. Try to avoid passing through the most crowded part of the mob. Get to the edge, get your back to a wall if you can and get between the trouble and your children, if they are with you. If you are a couple, walk on either side of your child or children or carry them on your hips, tucked against your bodies to the inside, between you (see below). One should guide the other with eyes front, with one watching behind. Move steadily and avoid eye contact with any “youths” you see “wilding” as it may invite an attack. In order to ascertain intentions from head movements, keep your eyes on chins. Seek shelter and/or distance from the mob. Don’t engage verbally with rioters.

3a. Dial 911–I have heard it said that if you have a cell phone with you, you can dial 911 and leave the phone engaged, even if you can’t speak while escaping. That will allow authorities to trace the closest cell tower and dispatch help accordingly.


4. Armed–If you are armed with a firearm, don’t flash your weapon or wield it openly unless you are assaulted directly; it may unnecessarily turn a ruckus into a riot or, worse, a stampede or crush. However, if you are so threatened as to be forced to draw it, use it immediately. People will generally move away from the noise of a gunshot. If you use some other form of incapacitating defense, announce it. Shout “Pepper spray!” at the top of your voice.

5. If Alone, Find and Assign Yourself a Partner–You can turn to a complete stranger who is obviously as stuck as you are and say: “Let’s YOU and I stay together and get out of here.” Research has shown that this “buddy system” is a good way to avoid the “Kitty Genovese” effect. People will develop a strong and sudden sense of mutual protection in a crisis IF social awkwardness is consciously worked against. Look a person in the eye, take them by the hand and lead/take them out with you.  Tell them you need them to keep an eye on what is coming.

6. Stampede–One of the reasons you seek a wall is to help you keep your feet and avoid the surge of the crowd, should it happen. There is excellent information out there on surviving crowd panics and crushes, and they are essential reading for intelligent people.

7. Get Away, Get to Shelter–Leave the area of the disturbance; get as far away as possible or inside a business, elevator, bathroom, etc. and put walls between you and trouble. Bar the door if necessary. Call authorities and give details.

Recommended Reading:

Army Field Manual: Civil Disturbance Operations

Lukewarm Race War: Whitey Survival Guide, Short Version

As per reader request. It was pointed out that my popular multi-part “Whitey Survival Guide” might be too long and wordy for some people looking for quick guidelines. So I offer the following. 

The Rules of Lukewarm Race War, Condensed

Introduction: Be Realistic

Statistics tell us that blacks are far more dangerous than whites. Avoid places where you know they live, congregate, work and seek entertainment in large numbers. Don’t date them, be surrounded by them or remain in places where large numbers of them suddenly show up.

White people have been trained to be nice, polite, patient and careful not to offend minorities. They have also been told to leave their protection to the police. Abandon all such naivete when in public in order to stay safe.

1. Avoid Alone-ness–Try to have an extra set of eyes with you when you go out and consider not living alone if a roommate, significant other or protection dog might be available.

2. Avoid Going to the Situation–Research and know where you don’t belong. Don’t go where you don’t belong. Don’t pass through where you don’t belong. If where you live becomes dangerous, move as soon as possible. Contact your local police department and ask them if the department has a crime mapping protocol and ask to see the crime map or “incident map” for the previous twelve months. This may be available online.

3. Avoid the Situation Coming to You–Research a neighborhood before you move into it. Once you live there, know your neighbors, their habits and their vehicles. Let them know you. Make frequent contact with them. When someone you don’t recognize is in your neighborhood, watch them unabashedly and intently. Photograph them if you don’t want to be seen lingering to watch. Contact the authorities when something is suspicious.

Harden your house with upgraded doors, locks, door bars, alarms, dogs, security cameras, etc. Make it hard to get in to get you. Have a phone and firearm within reach of your bed.

4. Awareness of Surroundings–Don’t be on cell phones in public areas. Don’t have your ears plugged by earbuds blaring music in public areas. Don’t play hand-held video games in public areas. Look behind you frequently, especially when you hear something. Avoid passing by alleys and corners. Have your car doors locked whenever you are in your car. Watch your mirrors and blind spots at long stops. At stops, leave space between you and the car in front of you for a sudden “peel out.”

5. Sobriety Is Safety–Drunks and drug-users are slow, out-of-touch, irrational and gullible. Drug users sometimes have to be in areas where they shouldn’t be to get their dope (see number two above) OR they have to make contact with those who must come to areas where THEY shouldn’t be to deliver dope (see number three above).  Drunks and drug-users are preferred victims. Avoid being either by avoiding being both.

6. Armed Is Better–I suggest you have a functional firearm and the licensing and training to carry it legally and use it effectively. Crimes are often averted simply by the threat of such a weapon or wielding a weapon, but knowing how to actually use one and being psychologically, emotionally and physically ready to use one is essential.

If you are absolutely unable to use a lethal firearm, stun guns and/or incapacitation products like pepper spray and tasers should be considered.

If recent history tells us anything, it’s that blacks and other minorities target Whites on purpose and are especially violent when victimizing them. Keep this in mind and behave accordingly.

Thank you.