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Here We Go: Video: Hamas-Friendly U.S. Senator questions Bloggers’ First Amendment rights; Contradicts himself from less than one month earlier

Moonbat rally features Che Guevara flag waving mere feet from Senator Turban…er…I mean Durbin.

I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Of Christ!

Shoebat Foundation

Earlier this month (May 1st), far left-wing U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) justified his speaking to a group of communists and socialists by saying it was his first amendment right. Yesterday, on May 26th, during an appearance on Fox News Sunday, Durtbin questioned the first amendment rights of bloggers.

Watch Video Via the Daily Caller:


Now, consider which group across the globe wants freedom of speech rights quashed more than any other. That would be the Islamic world. In the minds of Muslim leaders, no criticism of their religion or prophet should be protected speech.

That leads us back to Senator Durbin, who in 2011 fought for the cause of suppressing first amendment rights on behalf of Islam when he chaired hearings on supposed anti-Muslim bigotry. Make no mistake; the agenda of those Durbin was pushing unequivocally included the suppression of speech.

Via IPT in 2011:


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  1. mindweapon says:

    The Left isn’t afraid to be associated with its extremists, but our side runs like cowards from Jason Richwine and the Council of Conservative Citizens.

  2. fnn says:

    If any important Zionists felt threatened by his pro-muzzie pandering he wouldn’t be doing it. Or is that too obvious to mention?

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